If you've been in business a white or even if you're just starting out you've probably heard the word 'branding' thrown about. Often clients come to me wanting a business card or even a logo. Sometimes they want to develop a new website for their business. Just about every-time I ask them if they have a brand the answer is no.
So what is branding and logo design ?
Put simply your brand is the fonts, colour palette, type treatment, photo style, graphics, icons and logos for your business. They are your businesses visual wardrobe and the more consistent the look is, the more recognisable your brand. During 2020 and even now in early 21' your visual brand is your strongest selling point. With global social distancing, factory slow downs and lock-downs, everyone has been put on the same level playing field and if you want to stand out from the crowd you need to have a clear plan.
But I can't design my way out of a paper bag ?
I get it, you're a small business and your budget is tight but you also don't have design skills either. This is where I step in and help create you a portfolio of assets to keep you on track. Using a template tool such as Canva.com allows you to upload your branding assets and then apply them to pre-designed templates. You can then change out the wording and use these time and time again. Use your designer to create the assets with their talents and experience and then capitalise on this with regular posting to social media. You may not get it right every-time but it's the doing that matters. You need to post regularly to be seen and stay in peoples minds. Make sure to target your posts to your audience on each platform.

If you are interested in finding out more about how I can help you develop a branding and logo design package from your existing logo and assets that you can use going forward get in touch today I'd love to find out more about your business.